
You will find information about RSA exams on this page. The site will be updated with exam timetables during the seasons.

Exam Timetables

Year 11 Pre-Public Examination Timetable 2024

Below you will find specific documents that have been written to help you. Please ensure you have read and understood them.

Exam Handbook

Revision Strategy

Revision Strategy 1 – Brain Dumps

Revision Strategy 2 – Self Quizzing

External Examinations

Prior to exams, all students will receive an individual exam timetable. Please check the timetable carefully and ensure that you have been entered for the exams you think you should. Check details of the date, time and duration of exam. If you think something is wrong, speak to your teacher or exams officer in school.

Exam Location

All exams will take place at Rudheath Senior Academy. Some exams will take place in the Exhibition Hall and other rooms around the school. Students will be issued with an individual exam timetable closer to the exam season, detailing the room and seat number of each of exam. A seating plan will be displayed daily outside each exam room.

Exam Times

Examinations will normally begin at 9:00am in the morning and 1:00pm in the afternoon. Please arrive promptly and wait outside the door ready to enter the room ten minutes before the start of the exam. Please make the appropriate transport arrangements to ensure that you are in school in time to start the examination at the right time. If you are late, telephone the school reception on 01606 42515. You should still come into school as soon as possible and start the examination late. You are not allowed to sit the examination if you arrive 1 hour after an examination has started, or for papers of less than one hour if you arrive once the paper has been completed.


You must inform the exams officer if you are unable to take an examination if you are ill, by telephoning 01606 42515. If you are ill on the day of the exam you must also contact your doctor’s surgery to seek medical advice. A JCQ self certification form (form 14) is always required if you miss an examination through illness. The Examination Boards will decide whether they can award a grade or whether you will need to sit the examination at the next session.

What do I bring to the exams?

Students should bring writing equipment, coloured pencils, erasers, etc. in a transparent plastic bag or pencil case. Non-transparent pencil cases or boxes will not be permitted in the examination room.

Pens should be black biro only. Some subject papers will require the use of dictionaries or set texts, and students will be advised by their subject teachers about this. No gel pens or highlighters are permitted on any answer booklets.

Students are responsible for ensuring that they bring everything they need to the examination.

Exam Regulations

See PDF documents

End-Year Examination Information

See PDF documents