Media Studies

Students will study a range of media forms in terms of a theoretical framework which consists of media language, representation, media industries and audiences.

At RSA it is our mission to enrich students with a wealth of knowledge of the world of media through studying key texts that allow them to critically understand the social, historical and political links and means of production. We encourage students to develop an open mind when looking further into the concept of media whilst being critical of the many established works and their impact on the public audience. We promote enthusiasm for the course by inviting students in YR9 to the Warner Bro’s Harry Potter tour at Christmas time, where students are submersed in the creation and production of a high scale film. We ensure students feel secure from the offset in Media Studies, as we develop skills linking to those learnt in English by starting with the analysis of print media. Students work predominantly on computers, where they can use the internet to help support their new learning and digital experience. We prepare students with the fundamental skills in the first term to go on to create their own media masterpiece which equates to 30% of their overall grade; encouraging their creative spark to grow and fostering their love for the subject. Students will leave YR11 feeling confident and prepared to continue their journey with Media Studies, should this be through college, an apprenticeship or one of the many career opportunities. 

The learning journey is structured to introduce students to each theoretical framework separately. The print media topic lies at the start of the journey, as this makes a link to the skills of connotations and denotations learnt in English. This topic then lends itself well to the analysis of crime drama, as the same skills apply when studying moving image. Students then use these newly developed skills to create their own media product at the end of Y10. At the start of Y11, there is more of a focus on the theoretical frameworks of audience and industry, and texts learnt in Y10 are visited again from a different angle. These skills are then transferred to help students understand the topic of music industries, which expects students to apply all four sections of the framework. 

Most lessons are based in the computer room and students complete work online using Class Notebook, students will be expected to work collaboratively as a class through discussionbased topics and independently when researching. The teacher will guide the student through each new topic learnt through modelling and questioning. Students will get the opportunity to use Adobe Photoshop, Canva and Creative Cloud on a regular basis. Students will also experience dropdown lessons, where they will have hands on experience with media production equipment. 

Students will be formatively assessed in every lesson, through knowledge retention questions and quizzes. Students will also regularly complete written responses to exam style questions and they will receive feedback on their response highlighting areas of improvement and success. Students will receive a summative assessment once a term by completing a mock exam question based on the topic learnt. 

Students are given the opportunity to visit Warner Brothers Studio – The Harry Potter Tour once they are in Y9, this allows students to be submersed into the different aspects of media production for a highend film. Students will also be given the opportunity to visit an overseas location, where they will attend workshops and theme parks that are based on the film industry – this will allow students to understand the impact of the industry on products. 

Media Studies is a popular choice at many leading colleges and is found to lead students onto to a range of careers in the digital sector. Students can study courses at A-Level, B-Tech, Degree Level and complete an apprentice level course.

Careers paths in Media Studies include: 

  • Photographer 
  • Script Writer 
  • Producer 
  • Director 
  • Editor 
  • Social Media Exec 
  • Digital Exec 
  • Website developer 
  • Sound technician 
  • Journalist 
  • Newspaper Editor 
  • Advertisement 
  • Record Label Producer 
  • Radio Presenter 
  • Casting 
  • Prop Design 
  • Location shooter 

Learning Journey