
Our in house catering team provide a range of food to ensure that our pupils are provided with a healthy, balanced diet.

Lunch and break items are served in the main school canteen which is also open before school where we provide free breakfast choices for all pupils.

Children can also order wraps and sandwiches to their taste by speaking to the catering team before school or at break.

We also serve water and juice at break and lunch. Pupils are encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle to school.

For those children who decide they would like packed lunches they also eat in the hall so that as a school community we enjoy a shared lunchtime experience.

Voluntary Contributions

We have been delighted to offer free school meals to all children since January 2023. We have also been humbled to receive contributions from families to help towards the lunch provision. If you would like to make a contribution of any value, you can do so by using Arbor Payments and making a payment under the item Voluntary Contribution – Lunch.
