You Said We Did

  • At Rudheath Senior Academy we continually strive to ensure that our students have the best possible experience during their time with us. A key component of this is excellent communication between home and school, allowing parents to engage with their child’s learning. 

You Said, We Did…

You Said We Did
You wanted more opportunities to get involved in school life. We hold a half termly parent forum to gather feedback on whole school initiatives. We also welcome feedback by email at any time from parents that cannot attend. 
You wanted more reliable communication when your child was issued a detention regarding why.  We have changed the email message that goes home when a child is issued a detention to include a narrative. 
It would be nice to get positive feedback on how my child is doing at school more often and for my child to hear more positive feedback regularly.  We have fed this back to staff and raised the profile of praise points.

We have introduced:
-a weekly leaderboard for praise points in form time
-a weekly head of year certificate which is shared on social media
-praise point leaderboards are in the school newsletter
We are working on our rewards policy starting with student voice and will re-launch this soon.

You would prefer reports to be emailed home rather than being placed in student’s hands. We have email parents reports directly.
You would prefer the homework function on Arbor to be a to do list for students to manage instead of a mark book to enable better organisation. We have shifted to setting homework in a way that allows students to click submit when it is complete. We have trained staff in how to do this.
School cloud worked perfectly for booking Parent’s Evening appointments and we should not have changed it. We have renewed our School Cloud subscription and will use this moving forward.